Monday, May 17, 2010

Why do so many people have stupid questions?

i mean, honestly. people, why do you spend your days on end on this stupid site asking stupid questions. honestly, who really cares what kind of bread doesn't absorb water, or what the scientific name of mango is? they really should be playing pokemon, or eating kumquats.

get it right, get it right get it TIGHT.

Why do so many people have stupid questions?
Because There Are So Many People Willing To Answer Stupid Questions.........

there's a bread that doesn't absorb water? really????

what IS the scientific name of mango?

kumquats??????? would it be stupid of me to ask ..."What The Hell Are Kumquats?" should I make that my next question and can I find out their scientific name without sounding Stupid ??
Reply:Like for example, this question.
Reply:I dunno, why do you ask stupid questions?
Reply:if you got charizard i'll trade my balbasaur, blastoise and zapdos.
Reply:there a reason for the question.
Reply:Well...Its no so much that people cant find these answers on there own, its that they want to commute with other people. Yahoo answers is a fun way for people to ask those stupid questions to see who is the most intellectual and gives the most down to earth, or most reliable answer.

Personally that's not really why I'm here, I cant really sleep alot during the night, I work alot in the day and I sleep the rest and while I'm up I just get kind of lost in thought...Going here to help others who are lost the same way I get, well basically its a way to avoid my own fears in my head...Sad one might say, but anyway your entitled to your opinion, ill gracefully accept it if you think I'm a nosy ingrate for helping people out but I do it when I don't necessarily have anything else better to do than sulk so please understand where I'm coming from. Hope I helped you understand, later :).
Reply:I assume to some people their questions are not stupid. And, like children trying to make sense of the world, found this site and anonymously post the (possibly stupid) questions and others (possibly lonely souls like myself) help out to answer such/this question.
Reply:Like you've never asked a question before..
Reply:I really want to shove a banana up your ******** as.s right now.
Reply:that not mean because they ask stupid question you should ask stupid question too. if you are so smart and you get it that to be here is loseing time then why you are still here, leave us with our stupidity
Reply:Yeah......brilliant question mastermind! We all need this information. By the way, What kind of bread doesn't absorb water and what IS the scientific name for a mango?
Reply:I don't believe there are stupid questions.... just stupid people.
Reply:Why are you asking me this?

Tooth Fairy

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