Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have a Kumquat Tree and live in FL. Can I move my 7 foot tall tree to another part of my yard?

Will I kill it? When should I do this? How wide and deep should I dig to get it out?

I have a Kumquat Tree and live in FL. Can I move my 7 foot tall tree to another part of my yard?
western garden book has a page devoted to moving large established trees. it can be done, but you're supposed to prepare the tree for moving months or even a year ahead. mark a circle around the tree ten times the diameter the tree's trunk at ground level. then, with as sharp spade, cut around the circle to the spade's depth. this will encourage the tree to grow a new set of feeder roots where you root pruned. when you finally do transplant, dig slightly outside this circle so the majority of the roots the plant needs will be in the root ball. several days before the move, thoroughly soak the soil around the tree. particularly with evergreen trees, spray leaves with anti desiccant spray. dig a trench around the root ball, severe the tap roots with your spade, and secure the root ball around the sides with chicken wire. transfer to new hole. obviously, you need help with this--two other strong people besides yourself, imo.
Reply:Hire a professional tree service to move it would kill the tree if you did it and it may even kill you ...a seven foot tree is not easy to move.
Reply:To do that, I would wait until winter when the sap quits running. Then, keep the root ball as big as you can. Do not try it right now or it will die. After you move it, water a lot. Good luck.
Reply:You can't do it yourself. You'll need to hire a tree company to do it. They have a truck that'll come in and scoop it out with all its roots intact. Its gonna make a big hole, probably 8-10 feet across and 8-10 feet deep.
Reply:Moving a tree that size is implausible. The tree will go into shock and die. This is because it is established and is not supposed to be moved at this size. Do it properly by getting professionals to do it.

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