Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's the most fun you've ever had with a kumquat?

that's classified.

if I told you, I'd have to shoot you.

aw hell, can I just shoot you anyway?

What's the most fun you've ever had with a kumquat?
Piffing it at your head and watching it splat. Loser.
Reply:Never had fun with one.
Reply:whats a kumquat jk
Reply:never had one any good?
Reply:I have no answer that won't get me a violation.....
Reply:First, I hate Kumquat and --I just want to take this time to say Hi... and tell you that I'm terribly bored!
Reply:since I've never had a kumquat I guess I've never.
Reply:She made me promise not to tell
Reply:just saying it is fun!

kumquat kumquat kumquat!
Reply:Well one time at band camp..... Oh nevermind I plead the 5th!
Reply:WEll - this one time my favorite kumquat and I went to the mall and then we went to the movies and then i had to go to the bathroom and the kumquat didn't want to go with me so I went by myself and I came back and I accidently sat on the kumquat and I didn't realize it until about 6 hours later when my bum began to small frutty and delicious. I pooped it out but we aren't friends anymore.
Reply:never had one.........
Reply:HoW dArE yOu AsK mE sUcH a PeRsOnAl QuEsTiOn????

I'vE nEvEr SeEn A kUmQuAt In My LiFe...... :P
Reply:Saying it over and over to the priest in confessional.
Reply:I once had a wild night in Mexico with a kumquat
Reply:trying to peel one unsuccessfully :-D
Reply:With JUST a kumquat alone? Not much but with some KY jelly, a web cam and a kumquat, NOW there are some good times I could tell you about
Reply:none. not a kumquat fan. well actually I've made fun of the first syllable. Does that count?
Reply:Putting it in people's shoes. Rolling it around the floor.
Reply:trying to spell it backwards.
Reply:That night, when you sucked on one after having it in Bob's ****, was probably the funnest thing I have seen.

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